Below is the presentation we gave as part of our AQIP project. This project is part of the college's larger accreditation process. Specifically, our group worked on building campus-wide trust and respect.
Today we would like to present to you our AQIP project that we hope will strengthen campus-wide trust and respect. It has been difficult for our group to come up with a tangible and doable AQIP project for promoting campus-wide trust and respect. Part of this difficulty was just trying to understand what Trust and Respect actually mean to us as a campus. We came to realize that these terms actually can mean different things for different people and that any policy, project, suggestion that we could potentially come up with was likely to increase trust and respect for some, while decreasing trust and respect for others.
To illustrate, imagine our group found that trust and respect was lacking because employees didn’t know each other well. Imagine that in order to deal with this, the T and R group made the suggestion that every employee is required to say hello with a smile when they pass someone in the hallway. It became clear to us that although a “rule” like might be good for some circumstances, it may be difficult or cumbersome in others.
We would like to now present a skit that addresses the process by which our group went through to grapple with this issue. The skit is not intended to represent an actual conversation or what people actually said in our meetings. It is however, a representation of a particular issue that came up in our group and how we collectively agreed to address it. Our intention is to highlight the difficulties we faced in addressing campus-wide trust and respect and how we choose to go forward.
Trust and Respect - Meetings_1.doc
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